A deep dive and review of the 2023 Report from Hootsuite looking at social media trends all content creators and community managers should be focusing on, in particular:
– The AI Trend
– The Platform Trend
– The ROI Trend
We also spend time reviewing and praising the content marketing strategy used to promote the report from the landing page all the way to the no-fuss, no-questions-asked free download. Bravo!
You can download your copy of the report here: https://www.hootsuite.com/en-gb/research/social-trends
Pascal’s recommendation:
Tech – https://meetglimpse.com/ Google Trends Supercharged! Get in early on trends that show strong signs of long-term growth and use the information to plan your next social content series.
Natalie’s recommendation:
Tech – https://www.all-hashtag.com/ this is an excellent hashtag research tool that will help you focus on the terms that are really trending in your industry and make sure that your hashtag list never goes out of date!
Pascal presents news/announcements from social media platforms and asks Natalie to react by stating ‘important’ or ‘not important’. It’s great fun!
Included in this episode: X introducing new advertising options, TikTok launching separate search app, BlueSky available to all, Instagram cracking down on hashtags and your live videos appearing on YouTube Shorts tab.
Yes, we know, this cinematic masterpiece from Quentin Tarantino was released in 1992…
So let’s imagine what the social media marketing campaign could have been like, had Reservoir Dogs been released in 2022!
Natalie and Pascal have fun suggesting many social media tactics from the expected and essential content publication to more imaginative audience engagement stunts including: voice mail messages from the characters, a treasure hunt to find the loot and lookalike competitions!
Thank you very much for watching and listening to this recording of the Social Media News Room with Natalie Eminae and Pascal Fintoni.
Have we missed anything? Let us know if you are aware of changes and updates we should have mentioned.
And what film should we include in our next Film Marketing – Social Media Special review?
Natalie Eminae is the owner of Ococo Media and she specialises in helping small businesses achieve more through their social media channels. Keeping everything jargon-free, Natalie and her team can take care of many aspects of your digital marketing activities from content creation to content promotion including social media advertising.
If you would like more information on what was discussed in this episode, feel free to contact Natalie Eminae on:
www.ococomedia.co.uk the official website for contacting Natalie Eminae
Please share today’s show with your community if you feel that it would be useful to them. Also, we welcome suggestions for topics and guests that would help all of us create better online content faster. Simply get in touch with me on pascal@pascalfintoni.com
Pascal Fintoni & Associates is a trading name of ArcLight Marketing and Media Ltd. Reg No. 07934869
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