
Social Media News Round Up – March & April 2018

Social Media News Round Up – March & April 2018

Social Media News Round Up – March & April 2018 Updates with Natalie Eminae.

Check out our updates and comments on the popular social media platforms and we share our plans for this series as we approach our 2 year anniversary!

[00:04:00] We reflect on the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal and how Facebook is going to adapt its ad targeting and behaviour data based campaigns for its 2.2 billions active monthly users

[00:18:00] We talk about Linkedin and the newly introduced native video uploading for company pages together with the use of hashtags to make content more ‘discoverable’

[00:24:40] We look at how Instagram is attracting more users with many features such as Instagram Stories, Focus, Superzoom and Rewind

[00:36:00] We consider the return of the Snapchat Spectacles, or Snap Specs, and their attempt to slow down their decline with immersive user experience

[00:42:15] We share our reactions to Pinterest allowing their users to find photos based on skin tone and how the real power of Artificial Intelligence is still to be revealed

[00:48:20] We end with our thoughts on the arrival of a new platform: Vero and the revival of an oldie: Youtube

 [00:55:10] Strategy of the Month: go for a mobile first approach to your social media activities and take full advantage of the vertical screen space

[00:58:30] Social App of the Month: Adobe Photoshop Express

[01:00:25] Leon’s Find of the Month: Microsoft best placed to deal with digital disruption according to research by GlobalData – click here for article

[01:05:30] Pascal’s Social Media Creator of the Month: Social Media Today and its community

We hope you found the content useful and do get in touch with your questions and suggestions for our monthly social media news roundups via .

About Natalie Eminae

Photo of Natalie Eminae from Ococo Media on the Content Marketing Studio Show

Natalie Eminae is the owner of Ococo Media and she specialises in helping small businesses achieve more through their social media channels. Keeping everything jargon-free, Natalie and her team can take care of many aspects of your digital marketing activities from content creation to content promotion including social media advertising.

If you would like more information on what was discussed in this episode, feel free to contact Natalie Eminae on: the official website for contacting Natalie Eminae

Thank you for watching and listening!

Please share today’s show with your community if you feel that it would be useful to them. Also, we welcome suggestions for topics and guests that would help all of us create better online content faster. Simply get in touch with me on

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