
How To Embrace Your Super Power And Nurture Your Imagination

How To Embrace Your Super Power And Nurture Your Imagination

Episode 51 – How To Embrace Your Super Power And Nurture Your Imagination with Ann English.

Another addition to our ‘invest in yourself’ mini-series as part of the Content Marketing Studio.

I am joined by visual communicator and visual marketing coach Ann English to look at ways to make your content more engaging by using your imagination:

In this episode Ann English and I talk about:

Ann English - Vision Tree Vision Doodle

(c) Ann English – Vision Tree Visual Doodle

  • the importance of capturing your ideas because your mind is a place to generate ideas but not to store them
  • ways to avoid killing your ideas and tapping into your big vision as the key motivator
  • why the word ‘but’ is going to squash your ideas and why you should use the word ‘because’ instead
  • why the word ‘how’ is going to get in the way and why you should change it to ‘who’
  • the positive impact of conversations for ideas and her 3-step process: express  – listen – visual doodles
  • how she discovered that her doodles were helpful to others and became a key service to customers
  • surrounding yourself with objects, people and locations that have a meaning to you that will fuel your imagination
  • how to find your super power by using active listening as others will spot it before you do and by allowing yourself to feel vulnerable
  • why she now believes that ‘your why should make you cry’ and that ‘rejection is redirection’
  • working for Disney and the lessons from the imagineers, her experience with Lego Serious Play
  • and so much more!

About Ann English

Ann English The Visual Communicator on The Content Marketing Studio with Pascal Fintoni

Ann English is the founder of Create Intrigue and the Visual Marketing Academy, she is also the creator of VisualDoodles™ and VisionMapping™ and the designer of the Metrognomes characters. Ann is on a mission to stop ideas from dying.

She enables Dreamers to transform into Doers by harnessing over 3 decades of successfully delivering thousands of projects from concept idea to completion. Ann knows how to bridge the gap between the world of your imagination and the real world.

Ann English Official Website

Ann English on Linkedin

Ann English on Facebook

Ann English on Twitter

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