
How To Deliver Better Online Presentations

How To Deliver Better Online Presentations

Episode 44 – How To Deliver Better Online Presentations with Simon Raybould.

We continue to look at ways to invest in ourselves as content creators in particular using video to share our messages and expertise.

I am joined by voice and presentation skills trainer Simon Raybould who is also the creator of ‘Presentation Genius’ a programme that includes a presentation design system, a book and high impact coaching.

In this episode Simon Raybould and I talk about:

  • making a lot more online presentations than ever before and how they combine presenting and video producing
  • how the tech can get in the way of delivering good presentations and what to do about it
  • the challenges facing the solo presenters and ways to make things easier for ourselves
  • why you should not under-estimate how much work is required before you go online
  • the differences between in-person events and virtual events, from slide design to your presentation style and your voice
  • techniques to keep the online audience engaged and more involved with your presentation so you can reduce ‘Zoom fatigue’
  • why you should spend at least 1 day a week investing in yourself and learning how to use new online tools that can make a huge difference
  • remembering the debrief stage of your online presentations and captured what has gone well and not so well
  • how ‘Presentation Genius’ came about and the way he invented the presentation design system to allow your creativity to flourish
  • the manifesto for Presentation Genius and why he believes that your presentations can change your world
  • And so much more

About Simon Raybould

Simon Raybould founder of Presentation Genius on The Content Marketing Studio - with Pascal Fintoni

Simon Raybould is the director of Aware Plus, a management and communication skills training company, he is also the creator and founder of Presentation Genius the brand behind a specialist voice and presentation skills programme, a book and a presentation design system. Simon has this uncanny ability of combining the science of using your voice with the art of storytelling to great effect and you will always learn something new in his company!

Presentation Genius Official Website

Presentation Genius Design System

Presentation Genius on YouTube

Simon Raybould in Linkedin

Simon Raybould in Twitter

Thank you for watching and listening!

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