[01:20] Brief introduction, the story behind Captivate.fm and how Mark and his team came up with the idea and designed the online platform dedicated to podcasters, including a conversation about repositioning his personal and business brands.
[09:30] A detailed tour and demonstration of Captivate.fm and its many features from setting up an account to uploading your audio files for different shows, publishing your episodes with time-stamps and tracking the performance of your podcasting (so good!).
[21:40] Our discussion about podcasting, the unique connection you can create with your listeners and how it will contribute to your business growth. This is an impromptu coaching session from Mark that is not to be missed!
[39:50] Fun quiz to wrap up this great conversation.
Mark Asquith is a podcaster, speaker and trainer and also the co-founder of Rebel Based Media the brand behind podcasting solutions and services such as Captivate.fm, Poductivity, Podcast Websites and Podcast Success Academy.
Mark is passionate about building technology and solutions to help podcasters achieve audio influence. In addition to sharing his expertise and observations via his own podcast series, he is also invited to speak at many events including Harvard, TEDx, Podcast Movement, FinCon, PodFest and more.
Rebel Base Media Official Website
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