
Social Media News Round Up – September 2017

Social Media News Round Up – September 2017

Episode 23: Social Media News Round Up with Natalie Eminae.

In this episode we talk about Twitter increasing its character count, Linkedin slowly rolling-out video content, Snapchat working with artists and augmented reality, Instagram adding to its online experience, and much more… we also give you our social strategy and social app of the month!

[00:04:20] Twitter testing 280 characters limit for tweets on selected accounts, is this a good thing or will it open the door to poorer content?

[00:11:00] Twitter producing a dedicated key events calendar to help you create topical content marketing campaigns. Now, how would you take advantage of international wallpaper day?

[00:14:30] Linkedin continues with its very slow roll out of video of content, consider creating a bank of videos and making sure your efforts match the needs of your audience

[00:23:45] Snapchat experimenting with Augmented Reality in partnership with artist Jeff Koons, perhaps some lessons in there for businesses?

[00:27:35] Instagram adding ‘Instagram Polls’ to the  menu options for account managers which already include Stories, Posts, Hashtags and Live

[00:40:20] Strategy of the Month: plan, prepare, produce and test your festive season campaigns now!

[00:41:55] Social App of the Month:

[00:45:15] Leon’s Find of the Month: Facebook testing an ‘i’ button to reduce the amount of fake news on the platform

[00:49:40] Pascal’s Social Media Creator of the Month: The Social Media Examiner Blog by Michael Stelzner and his contributors

About Natalie Eminae

Photo of Natalie Eminae from Ococo Media on the Content Marketing Studio Show

Natalie Eminae is the owner of Ococo Media and she specialises in helping small businesses achieve more through their social media channels. Keeping everything jargon-free Natalie and her team can take care of many aspects of your digital marketing activities from content creation to content promotion including social media advertising.

If you would like more information on what was discussed on this episode, feel free to contact Natalie Eminae on: the official website for contacting Natalie Eminae

Thank you for watching and listening!

Please share today’s show with your community if you feel that it would be useful to them. Also, we welcome suggestions for topics and guests that would help all of us create better online content faster. Simply get in touch with me on

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