
Is PR + Content + Social Media The Winning Formula?

Is PR + Content + Social Media The Winning Formula?

Episode 30: Is PR + Content + Social Media The Winning Formula with Kathryn Dishman-Baird From KD Communications.

In this episode, we talk to PR and Communications consultant Kathryn Dishman-Baird about getting your voice heard by creating more value and not just more content.

Importantly, Kathryn shares her 5 steps process to create the right PR strategy for your business:

During our discussion, we ask Kathryn to share her thoughts and suggestions on:

    • why getting your voice heard is still proving a challenge for many businesses with an increasingly busy Internet
    • why defining your unique offer and expressing your brand values honestly is key to your success
  • how to get your social media and PR presence right by knowing your voice and your audience
  • why adding value is the most important strategy to engage your audience via the various channels
  • why you should never be afraid to NOT use some of the popular platforms if your customers are not there
  • how public relations can make a difference to your reputation and your prospects’ beliefs about you
  • why the press release is not dead, you just need to be newsworthy and plan for online publication
  • how to use the ‘Blog Post -> Subscription -> Email -> Social’ customer journey or funnel to your advantage
  • why the recent Facebook algorithm change is an opportunity for businesses with a real social network
  • how to take advantage of Facebook Groups, live video and stimulating interaction within your community
  • why some sectors should invest more in Instagram, video marketing and personalisation
  • Advice to make 2018 your best year yet: be consistent, focus on 1 or 2 key social media platforms, use Facebook ads and similar, drive visitors to your website, build your mailing list

The 5 Steps to design the best PR Strategy for your business:

  1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives: such as increase in website traffic, percentage increase in sales, recruit more staff, etc.
  2. Understand Your Audience: use avatars to research their interests, pain points and aspirations to structure your content accordingly. Don’t forget to look at established publications and how they engage their audiences both online and offline
  3. Define Your Key Messages: in addition to features and benefits, what do you stand for, why do you believe in what you do, what motivates you, who are your ideal customers? Remember, keep them simple.
  4. Select The Right Platforms and Channels: make sure to mix it up and chose offline and online channels used by your customers to share your messages
  5. Always Measure: make sure you measure the various offline and online activities, from reporting tools such as Google Insights to advertising values for PR coverage

You can request and download your copy of KD Communications PR Strategy Template here.

Key resources mentioned by Kathryn Dishman-Baird in this episode:

  • meet edgar/ hootsuite / buffer / smarter queue / scheduling platforms for your social media activities
  • canva/ the ever popular web based tool to create visuals for blog articles, social media posts, youtube headers, infographics, etc.
  • mailchimp / convert kit / email marketing solutions to help you build your mailing list as easily as possible
  • ansana / time management and projects tracking tool used by Kathryn
  • hubspot / customer relationship management solution
  • gorkana / source bottle / response source / help a reporter / online tools to help you connect with journalists, bloggers and media professionals
  • #prrequest / #journorequest / use these hashtags on twitter search to spot requests from media professionals for stories you could contribute to

About Kathryn Dishman-Baird

Episode 30 - Kathryn Disham-Baird from KD Communications on The Content Marketing Studio

Kathryn Dishman-Baird, Director of KD Communications, is a specialist in helping businesses like yours to share your story via Public Relations, Content Marketing and Social Media. She works with a wide range of businesses from start up to SME. Clients have included Home Group Limited, Video education company Sparks Ignite and mentoring charity, Find Your Future.

Kathryn won ‘Entrepreneur of the year’ award at Newcastle Business Awards 2016.

If you have more questions for Kathryn Dishman-Baird, feel free to contact her on:

kd communications official website

book your free 1 hour consultation #PRBubbles

Thank you for watching and listening!

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