I still have incredibly fond memories of being a guest on the ‘3 Marketers Walk Into A Podcast’ hosted by Rob and Kennedy, the co-founders of ResponseSuite and The Email Marketing Heroes.
Although this was recorded some time ago, the advice and insights that I shared are still valid today, perhaps even more so as I looked at the future of content marketing for small businesses.
It is also a great example of how to produce and segment a podcast or video episode, I hope you enjoy our conversation:
In this upbeat and sometimes surprising Q&A we talk about:
how the role of content marketing can extend beyond sales and leads conversion
why ‘to be seen and heard being helpful’ by your ideal customers is the real objective
breaking down your content marketing objectives into 3 groups: Commercial, Operational and Personal
the difference between Promotional and Social content and how to organise your plan into different content categories
the best way to keep track of progress and being focused on increasing your visibility
Why ‘90% of your content should be on someone else’s platform and 10% should go on your own’
and I think I did rather well on the Quiz and Quickfire Round!
The interview was originally published on the ResponseSuite blog together with the audio only version and a short transcript.
Click on the image or link below to access the webpage:
Rob and Kennedy have started a movement in the world of marketing, that’s what you get when a comedy hypnotist and a mind reader turn their skills to email marketing! Through their various programs, software (ResponseSuite) and membership (The League) and their podcast (The Email Marketing Show) they help small business owners to become the Email Marketing Heroes of their businesses.
Please share today’s show with your community if you feel that it would be useful to them. Also, we welcome suggestions for topics and guests that would help all of us create better online content faster. Simply get in touch with me on pascal@pascalfintoni.com